Change in management from November 1, 2010
As of 01.10.2010 Mr. Hans Peter Amrzly will retire from the management of KMR Kabel Metall Recycling GmbH for reasons of age. However he will continue to support the company as a consultant. All employees thank him for his tireless work in and for the company. Mr. Uwe Kramer is thus the sole manager of KMR Kabel Metall Recycling GmbH.
Based on his services to KMR Kabel Metall Recycling GmbH H.P. Zmrzly’s retirement was also featured in the local press. You can download the relevant article using the provided links.(german)
Maerkische_Rostiges Altmetall saubere Arbeit.pdf (1.0 MB)
Neue Oranienburger Zeitung_Fuenf Millionen fuer die Zukunft.pdf (1.1 MB)
KMR Kabel-Metall-Recycling 2010 nominated for the “Grand Prize for medium sized companies” for the third time in a row

It was a big surprise for the company management and all employees when KMR Kabel-Metall-Recycling GmbH Liebenwalde was informed by the Oskar Patzelt Foundation at the beginning of 2008 that it had been nominated for the “Grand Prize for medium sized companies” within the scope of the 14th competition!
The nomination took place by the Ministry of Environment, Health and Nature of the State of Brandenburg to honour the economic development and the dynamic growth potential of KMR Kabel Metall Recycling Gmbh Liebenwalde in connection with the environmentally conscious way of working of the company in the area of materials recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous non-ferrous metal waste at the highest technical level.
At this time, the company had been an active member of the Environmental Partnership Brandenburg for almost 5 years and was among the leading companies of special metal recycling which was also very successful internationally with its certifications and approvals (Quality management in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2000, environment management in accordance with DIN ISO 14001:2005, EMAS II (EC ordinance 761/2001 as well as work and health management in accordance with OHSAS 18001:1999 and SCC 2006 / SGU testing + specialist waste disposal business).
”Right from the start” the “jury round” in 2008, from which the prize winners were finally selected in the individual categories was reached as was the case during our second nomination in 2009. We are now looking very much forward to whether the “third run” in 2010 can already succeed for us to receive one of the more and more popular and coveted “Oscars” of German medium sized businesses. We thank the Ministry of Environment, Health and Nature of the State of Brandenburg for the nomination, our main partner, the Van Hout Group in Holland for their fabulous help and support in building up the modern KMR Kabel Metall Recycling GmbH and all our friends, partners and helpers in our daily business – keep your fingers crossed for us!
Investments 2009
Based on the shareholders’ resolution in 2008, KMR Kabel Metall Recycling GmbH this year invested about 1.5 million EUR in building and technology to further ensure the growing accomplishment of tasks. The company management moved into the office building completed in 8 months on August 1, 2009, which was built exactly 9 cm away from the old one. This made history after two weeks of tearing down work by MAAS, Großschönebeck, and freed the view to a modern two storeyed quadrangular building, which was optimally fitted into the business property with its 300 sqm surface area.
A 24 X 25 m roofed box storage unit with steel concrete walls for the safe storage of metal goods and non-ferrous waste was also built. Both projects were implemented by the Thuringian KIS GmbH, already successful in industrial construction, with the support of the architects Jentsch, Sondershausen and some regional companies as well as employees of our own company.
The technical fitting of floor conveyor devices was expanded and replaced by a new mobile excavator and a 7 ton fork lift.
pictures of investment in 2009

Inauguration of new production/storage hall
The official inauguration of the separation unit took place on 14.12.2007. This unit was first operated on this day to complete the complex investments in 2007.
Mr. Christ van Hout, Manager of VAN HOUT HOLDING and main partner of KMR Kabel Metall Recycling GmbH pressed the start button of a fully automatic separation unit to separate mixed metals in front of the invited guests from politics and local authorities of the state of Brandenburg and the district of Behave. The source material are the non-ferrous metal combinations originating in the shredder industry which are first selectively macerated and freed from light substances. The plant produces non-ferrous metals using different types of classification and sorting levels, which can be directly used in the furnaces of the aluminium, copper and brass industries.
Further storage possibilities for finished products were also created in the hall. There is an approximately 700 sqm workshop area with a machine room in the southern part of the hall, a general workshop and welding room. New crane units and modern separation systems for grinding dust as well as heating and ventilation units were installed here to improve working conditions.
pictures of investment in 2007