Responsible behaviour towards the environment is a central element of our company policy. We have therefore convincingly adopted safety, health and environmental protection as management criteria.
The plants and machines used in recycling by KMR GmbH must correspond to the requirements for active environmental protection to a high degree. Even in the past, we made great efforts to keep the environmental effects of our work as low as possible. At our Liebenwalde site, we aim at a union of economic, ecological and social aspects since we assume that there is no contradiction between them and our business activities.
Apart from certification as a specialist waste disposal business, we have therefore introduced an integrated management system with respect to quality, safety, health and environment. This management system equally fulfils the requirements of the international environmental standard DIN EN ISO 14001, the EC ordinance No. 761/2001 (eco audit ordinance) EMAS II, the quality standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 and the safety standard SCC as well as further regulations and principles of business derived from them.
Regular checking by the concerned authorities and regular reports and balance sheets from KMR GmbH to the authorities ensure the monitoring and maintenance of the legal specifications.
The laws on approvals concerning our company profile require that we appoint the relevant people in our company.
Contact persons for environmental protection
- Person responsible for waste: Dipl.-Ing. P. Schmidt 033054/889 17
- Person assigned with immission protection: Dipl.-Ing. P. Schmidt
- Person assigned with environment, EMAS: Dipl.-Ing. P. Schmidt
- External safety specialist (TÜV): Dipl.-Ing. J. Bohne 0331/748 86 32
Abb. Urkunde Umweltmanagementsystem
Abb. Urkunde Umweltpartnerschaft Brandenburg